random_projection trades accuracy (as additional variance) for faster processing times & smaller model sizes.
It uses unstructured random matrices (RMs) to do this. Two variants:
They are constrained to preserve the pairwise distances between any two samples.
The lemma: "a small set of points in a high-D space can be embedded into a low-D space with that distances between points are nearly preserved. The map used for the embedding is at least Lipschitz, and can even be taken to be an orthogonal projection.
For a Lipschitz continuous function, there exists a double cone (white) whose origin can be moved along the graph so that the whole graph always stays outside the double cone:
johnson_lindenstrauss_min_dim estimates the minimal size of the random subspace needed to guarantee a bounded distortion introduced by the random projection - knowing only the #samples.
# eps = max distortion rate per johnson-lindenstrauss lemma, [0..1]
from sklearn.random_projection import johnson_lindenstrauss_min_dim as JLMD
print(JLMD(n_samples=1e6, eps=0.5))
print(JLMD(n_samples=1e6, eps=[0.5, 0.1, 0.01]))
print(JLMD(n_samples=[1e4, 1e5, 1e6], eps=0.1))
663 [ 663 11841 1112658] [ 7894 9868 11841]
import numpy as np
from sklearn import random_projection
X = np.random.rand(100, 10000)
X_new = random_projection.GaussianRandomProjection().fit_transform(X)
(100, 10000) (100, 3947)
Reduces dimensionality by projecting original data to a sparse random matrix.
Sparse random matrices are an alternative to dense Gaussian random projection matrices. They guarantee similar embedding quality while being much more memory efficient and allowing faster computation.
Given s = 1/density
, the random matrix elements are drawn from $\begin{split}\left\{
\begin{array}{c c l}
-\sqrt{\frac{s}{n_{\text{components}}}} & & 1 / 2s\\
0 &\text{with probability} & 1 - 1 / s \\
+\sqrt{\frac{s}{n_{\text{components}}}} & & 1 / 2s\\
where n_components
is the projected subspace size. Minimum non-zero element density is defined by $1 / \sqrt{n_{\text{features}}}$.
import numpy as np
from sklearn import random_projection
X = np.random.rand(100, 10000)
X_new = random_projection.SparseRandomProjection().fit_transform(X)
(100, 10000) (100, 3947)
The distortion introduced by a random projection p is asserted by the fact that p is defining an eps-embedding with good probability as defined by $(1 - eps) \|u - v\|^2 < \|p(u) - p(v)\|^2 < (1 + eps) \|u - v\|^2$
$u$ and $v$ are any rows taken from a dataset of shape (n_samples, n_features).
$p$ is a projection by a random Gaussian N(0,1) matrix of shape (n_components, n_features) (or a sparse Achlioptas matrix).
The minimum number of components to guarantee the embedding is given by $n\_components \geq 4 log(n\_samples) / (eps^2 / 2 - eps^3 / 3)$.
First plot: with increasing #n_samples, the minimal number of dimensions #n_components increases logarithmically to guarantee an eps-embedding.
import sys
from time import time
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.random_projection import johnson_lindenstrauss_min_dim as JLMD
from sklearn.random_projection import SparseRandomProjection as SRP
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances as ED
from sklearn.utils.fixes import parse_version
# `normed` is being deprecated in favor of `density` in histograms
if parse_version(matplotlib.__version__) >= parse_version('2.1'):
density_param = {'density': True}
density_param = {'normed': True}
# range of admissible distortions
eps_range = np.linspace(0.1, 0.99, 5)
colors = plt.cm.Blues(np.linspace(0.3, 1.0, len(eps_range)))
# range of number of samples (observation) to embed
n_samples_range = np.logspace(1, 9, 9)
for eps, color in zip(eps_range, colors):
min_n_components = JLMD(n_samples_range, eps=eps)
plt.loglog(n_samples_range, min_n_components, color=color)
plt.legend(["eps = %0.1f" % eps for eps in eps_range], loc="lower right")
plt.xlabel("Number of observations to eps-embed")
plt.ylabel("Minimum number of dimensions")
plt.title("Johnson-Lindenstrauss bounds:\nn_samples vs n_components")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Johnson-Lindenstrauss bounds:\nn_samples vs n_components')
increases, the min #dimensions (n_components
) needed for a given n_samples
drastically decreases.eps_range = np.linspace(0.01, 0.99, 100)
# range of number of samples (observation) to embed
n_samples_range = np.logspace(2, 6, 5)
colors = plt.cm.Blues(np.linspace(0.3, 1.0, len(n_samples_range)))
for n_samples, color in zip(n_samples_range, colors):
min_n_components = JLMD(n_samples, eps=eps_range)
plt.semilogy(eps_range, min_n_components, color=color)
plt.legend(["n_samples = %d" % n for n in n_samples_range], loc="upper right")
plt.xlabel("Distortion eps")
plt.ylabel("Minimum number of dimensions")
plt.title("Johnson-Lindenstrauss bounds:\nn_components vs eps")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Johnson-Lindenstrauss bounds:\nn_components vs eps')
data = fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized().data[:500]
n_samples, n_features = data.shape
print("%d samples; dim %d"
% (n_samples, n_features))
n_components_range = np.array([300, 1000, 10000])
dists = ED(data, squared=True).ravel()
# select only non-identical samples pairs
nonzero = dists != 0
dists = dists[nonzero]
500 samples; dim 130107
for n_components in n_components_range:
t0 = time()
rp = SRP(n_components=n_components)
projected_data = rp.fit_transform(data)
print("Projected %d samples from %d to %d in %0.3fs"
% (n_samples, n_features, n_components, time() - t0))
if hasattr(rp, 'components_'):
n_bytes = rp.components_.data.nbytes
n_bytes += rp.components_.indices.nbytes
print("Random matrix with size: %0.3fMB" % (n_bytes / 1e6))
projected_dists = ED(
projected_data, squared=True).ravel()[nonzero]
min_dist = min(projected_dists.min(), dists.min())
max_dist = max(projected_dists.max(), dists.max())
plt.hexbin(dists, projected_dists, gridsize=100, cmap=plt.cm.PuBu,
extent=[min_dist, max_dist, min_dist, max_dist])
plt.xlabel("Pairwise squared distances in original space")
plt.ylabel("Pairwise squared distances in projected space")
plt.title("Pairwise distances distribution for n_components=%d" %
cb = plt.colorbar()
cb.set_label('Sample pairs counts')
rates = projected_dists / dists
print("Mean distances rate: %0.2f (%0.2f)"
% (np.mean(rates), np.std(rates)))
plt.hist(rates, bins=50, range=(0., 2.), edgecolor='k', **density_param)
plt.xlabel("Squared distances rate: projected / original")
plt.ylabel("Distribution of samples pairs")
plt.title("Histogram of pairwise distance rates for n_components=%d" %
# TODO: compute the expected value of eps and add them to the previous plot
# as vertical lines / region
Projected 500 samples from 130107 to 300 in 0.236s Random matrix with size: 1.298MB Mean distances rate: 0.97 (0.18) Projected 500 samples from 130107 to 1000 in 0.733s Random matrix with size: 4.335MB Mean distances rate: 0.93 (0.10) Projected 500 samples from 130107 to 10000 in 7.479s Random matrix with size: 43.273MB Mean distances rate: 0.99 (0.03)
For low n_components
: the distribution has many distorted pairs and a skewed distribution (due to the hard limit of zero ratio on the left as distances are always positives)
For larger n_components
: the distortion is controlled and the distances are well preserved by the random projection.
According to the JL lemma, projecting 500 samples without too much distortion will require several thousand dimensions, irrespective of the number of features of the original dataset.
Using random projections on the digits dataset (only 64 features) does not make sense: it does not allow for dimensionality reduction in this case.
On the twenty newsgroups on the other hand the dimensionality can be decreased from 56436 down to 10000 while reasonably preserving pairwise distances.