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Seaborn gallery
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ANOVA, 3-way
Anscombe’s quartet
Bar plots - horizontal
Barplots - grouped
Bivariate plot with multiple elements
Boxplot, horizontal, with observations
Boxplots - grouped
Color palette choices
Conditional kernel density estimate - conditional
Conditional means with observations
Correlation matrix (diagonal)
Different cubehelix palettes
Dot plot with several variables
FacetGrid with custom projection
Faceted logistic regression
Facetted ECDF plots
Heatmap - discovering structure
Heatmaps - annotated
Hexbin plot with marginal distributions
Histogram - trivariate with two categorical variables
Histogram, stacked, log scale
Histograms - faceted with subsets of data
Histograms - joint and marginal
KDE - joint
KDE plots - bivariate
Large distributions
Large number of facets
Line plots - multiple facets
Linear regression - marginal distributions
Lineplot - wide-form dataset
Model residuals
Multiple linear regression
Paired categorical plots
Paired density and scatterplot matrix
Regression fit over a strip plot
Ridge plot - overlapping densities
Scatterplot - categorical variables
Scatterplot - continuous hues and sizes
Scatterplot - varying point sizes and hues
Scatterplot Matrix
Scatterplot heatmap
Scatterplot with marginal ticks
Scatterplot with multiple semantics
Smooth kernel density with marginal histograms
Time series - small, multiple
Timeseries plot with error bands
Violinplot - wide-form dataset
Violinplots grouped, split violins
Violinplots with observations