All posts by title
10 modern layouts in 1 line of CSS
12 signs that You're Working in a Feature Factory
15 Command Line improvments
20 useful Python libraries
2020 Ecommerce Stats (pdf)
33 Strategies of War - booknotes
48 Laws of Power - book summary
5000 Years of Debt
8 Powerful Storytelling Hooks
A History of Door Handles
A Summary of Poker Tells by Mike Caro
A-B Testing
AWS, Parler and ToS
Acting (Pocket links)
Activation function articles
Activations (Machine Learning)
Adwords and Analytics Beginners Guide (2019)
Amazon Leadership Principles
Amazon exec memos - and narrative (
Animations & Duration
Ansible for Devops - book notes
Apparel Brand Scaling (pdf)
Aristotle's Rules for a Good Life
Art of Profitability booknotes
Auction Theory
Auction Theory - Jonathan Levin paper
Auctions and Private Sales
Awesome Design Tools Github
Bash resources
Behavior & Emotion resources (updated)
Behavior articles
Best Landing Page builders, 2020 edition
Book chapter summaries - deep learning, machine learning, various math
Brian's Product Management library (v2023/2)
Bundling primer
Business Model Glossary (A16Z)
CMOS EDA tool tutorial
Charisma - Essential Reads
ChatGPT items
ChatGPT prompts for PMs
Checklist Manifesto book summary (pdf)
Chivalry (aka Character)
Chrome extensions performance report
Clever (Ruby) Algorithms
Cognition articles (2021)
Compelling Speech Techniques
Creativity & Innovation
Customer Review Responses
D3 - Getting Started (Oreilly)
D3 gallery (
D3 tips & tricks
DL with Python & DL with PyTorch - book notes
DNS bookmarks
Data Science Interview Q&A
Data Science Interview Questions (2019)
Data Structures (ADM)
Deep Learning - Goodfellow book notes (2019)
Deep Learning GAN architectures - 2019
Devops bookmarks (2020)
Dive into Deep Learning ebook
Do not remain nameless to yourself
Do you know how to "read" a face?
Dollar Store Economics
Domain-Specific Processor Architectures (ACM)
Don't Force Users to Read PDFs Online (NN Group)
Ecommerce Intellectual Property Primer
Ecommerce links
Essential Reads - August 2019
Essential Reads - August 2019
Essential Reads - August 2019
Essential Reads - December 2021
Essential Reads - Feb 2020
Essential Reads - July 2019
Essential Reads - July 2019
Essential Reads - June 2019
Essential reads (UI/UX) (3/6/2020)
Facial Recognition - Types of Attacks and Anti-Spoofing Techniques
Feature Engineering Articles (2019)
Feature engineering with Python
Fluent Python - booknotes
From Fluffy to Valuable - How the Brain Recognizes Objects
Game & Auction Theory Articles
Game Theory Resources
Git cheatsheet
Glossary of adversarial nets / GANs articles
Go By Example (Golang tutorial)
Golang resources
Great Products don't Need to be Good Products (2010)
Groupthink - and the Challenger Disaster (2019)
HTML and CSS can do THAT?
Habits of Expert Software Designers (2019)
Happy Meals - the Ultimate Product Idea
How & Why "Marketing Flywheels" Work
How Cars and Hygiene Killed the Middle-Class Hat
How Nespresso's coffee revolution got ground down
How Tracking Pixels Work (Julia Evans)
How Tuesday Morning went bankrupt
How did King Arthur flour do it?
How to Change Somebody's Mind
How to Win a Supreme Court Case
How to do a Code Review (Google)
How to plot random points on a sphere
How to replace text in multiple files using SED
Hypothesis testing - cheat sheet
Ideas and Learning links - 2019
If Smiling is so easy to fake - Why do we fall for it?
Image optimization (2019)
Information Theory Tutorial (pdf)
Insurance Pricing with Tweedie
Intro to Elixir - My GitHub repo
Intro to Product Packaging (2021)
Jekyll links
Jq resources
Jupyter tricks & tips
Kawaii product design
Kubernetes Up & Running - book notes
LLM - large language model) survey - ArXiV
LLM trend summary 23-24 - Williston
Langchain tools
Language & linguistics resources
Language, Linguisitcs & Symbols (May2021)
Language, Linguistics & Symbols (Jun2021)
Lessons from Onboarding at Shopify
Linear Algebra, Machine Learning, Deep Learning articles (originally posted Dec2019)
Linux Servers - SSH Hardening Tips
Linux resources
ML Cheatsheet (pdf)
ML project from scratch
Meteor 1.9 Release
Milvus open-source vector similarity search engine
Model Thinker booknotes
More Data Science Interview Questions
Music links - December 2019
My Github Repos
NAND flash basics
NLP - December 2019
Negotiating like a Master - Stalin at Yalta
Negotiations for Product Managers
Nginx cookbook
OKRs are not for everyone
Object Detection (2019-20)
Optical & photonics articles
Optimizing for the speed of light
Papers with code | SOTA
Paperspace Gradient Notebook
Pawnshop Economics
People really don't know when to shut up
PixieDust - NodeJS in a Jupyter Notebook (2019)
Pose Estimation Techniques (2018)
Pricing algorithms & collusion
Product Embeddings for E-Commerce (ArXiV)
Product Idea Generators
Product Management & UI/UX Essentials - August 2019
Product Management Frameworks (Twitter, 2022)
Product Market Fit - 10 Ways to Find It
Product management metrics - simple infographic (pdf)
Productivity articles
Psychology for UX study guide (NN/g)
Pycaret Links
Python (Numpy) resources
Python 3.8 Std Library
Python hacker guide
Python resources
Quadratic payments primer
R language resources
RBS - Ruby v3's type signature language
Rails & Rubygems
Rails 6 with Webpacker startup issues
Rails framework principles
Real-Time Hand Tracking with MediaPipe (GoogleBlog)
Risk Management & Usage Pricing
Ruby 3.0.2 & Rails links
Ruby book notes & library links
Ruby | Rails | Jekyll | Sinatra | RubyGems resources
SQL resources
SQL techniques - booknotes
Salience - The psychology of an experience you can’t ignore
Scikit-Learn Guide notes
Seaborn gallery
Seal Fit training skills (Casey Graham)
Semantic Segmentation (2019)
Semiconductor articles (May'20)
Semiconductor case study (2022)
Semiconductor topics - Dec'2019
Shame - as a tool
Shipping Cost Ideas (pdf)
Significance Level vs. Confidence Level vs. Confidence Intervals (2019)
Sinatra (ruby) links
Social Media in China Survey - 2020
Sorting (ADM)
Stop Complaining
Stuff to Read, 12/14/21 (revisited)
Supply Chain Resources
Symbol articles
TSMC 7FF std cell library density (Semiwiki)
The Adjacent User Theory
The Art of Memory - Mnemonic Techniques (updated)
The Art of Noticing
The Book of Secret Knowledge (devops tools)
The Great CEO Within (Gdoc)
The Laws of Investing (Collaborative Fund)
The Polymath's Playbook
The Remaking of Comedy Central (Vulture article)
The Secrecy Effect (2019)
The Streisand Effect
The UX of LEGO Interface Panels
The freedom - and obligation - to dissent
TikTok - Seeing Like an Algorithm
Transformer models - intro and catalog
Twitter's Agency Playbook
UI design patterns (GoodUI)
UI/UX Resources - Jul2022
UI/UX articles - Feb2020
Understanding backward passes
Up-sampling with Transposed Convolutions
Vagrant CLI cheatsheet
Vagrant tutorial
Various Web Developer Tools (2022)
Vickery Auctions and Custom Keyboards
Virality and Network Effects
Visual Vocabulary
Visualization Catalog
Web Design - Chrome Extensions
What Nobody Tells You About Software Docs (2019)
What are Clifford Attractors?
What are Loaded Questions?
What is Targeted Dropout?
What is a prediction market?
What is an Empathy Map? (NN Group)
What is the Burndown Method?
Why is the Toy Industry so Hard?
WireViz (GitHub)
Word Cloud Tools
Writing articles
Yes, you can Bullshit a Bullshitter
You Don't Need a New Category
admiration articles (pocket API)
adversarial network articles (pocket API)
behavior/dogwhistles (pocket)
docker articles (pocket API)
documentation articles (pocket API)
language taxonomy build tools
stuff I read - prodmgmt/ecommerce
stuff I read - prodmgmt/platforms