- Nash's cooperative solution
- Variable-thread bargaining
- Alternating offers, Type I (total value decay)
- Experimental evidence
- Alternating offers, Type II (impatience)
- Manipulating information
- Multiple-issue bargaining
- Multiple-party bargaining
- Intro
- Simultaneous-move games
- Sequential-move, perfect-info-availability games
- Probability
- Sequential-move randomized games
- Extensive form
- Normal form
- Mixed strategies
- Behavioral strategies
- Bibliography & index
- 2-player games
- large-group games
- spillovers/externalities
- historicals
- "Help!" - a game of "chicken" with mixed strategies
- 2-stage games & subgames
- multistage game configurations
- Changing the order of moves in a game
- Analysis method changes
- 3-player games
- framework
- Prisoner's Dilemma
- "chicken"
- The assurance game
- Three phenotypes
- Hawk & Doves
- Interactions by population & across species
- Cooperation & Altruism
- decisions vs games
- sequential vs simultaneous moves
- zero-sum vs common interests
- single vs repeating plays
- constant vs changing opponents
- access to equal information
- fixed vs malleable rules
- enforceable agreements?
- terminology
- uses
- price discrimination
- principals & agents
- cost-plus & fixed-price contracts
- information revelation mechanisms
- incentives / managerial supervision
- incentives / insurance provisions
- incentives (nonlinear)
- incentives (teams)
- multiple tasks & outcomes
- incentives over time
- Game trees
- Solving games with trees
- Adding players
- 1st- and 2nd-mover advantages
- Adding moves
- Rollback
- "Survivor"
- Price competition
- Oligopoly principles
- Political campaign advertising
- Nash equilibria methods
- Nash equilibria concept
- Rationalization
- Empirical evidence
- Definitions
- Mixing moves
- Nash equilibrium as beliefs & responses
- Mixing in non-zero-sum games
- Discussion
- When 1 player has >= 3 strategies
- When both players have >= 3 strategies
- Mixed strategies in practice - Evidence
- Depictions
- Nash equilibria
- Dominant strategies
- Best-response analysis
- 3 players
- Multiple equilibria
- conditional vs unconditional moves
- credibility
- commitments
- threats & promises
- examples - restaurant pricing
- additional topics
- basics
- repetition
- penalties & rewards
- leadership
- experimenal evidence
- real-world examples
- risk management
- assymetric information
- cheap talk
- adverse selection
- signaling
- screening
- labor mkt signaling
- 2-player equilibria
- rules & procedures
- paradoxes
- voting systems
- vote manipulation
- median voter theorem
- implicit learning
- lessons via sports & games
- case study - sacrifice
- caveats